Now you can root Galaxy Note 2 N7100 XXDMC3 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware, Recently Samsung released the new XXDMC3 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean for Galaxy Note 2 N7110. If you didn’t received the update yet, you can do this manually by following this guide Manually Update Galaxy Note 2 N7100 to XXDMC3 Jellybean 4.1.2 Firmware There are so many benefits of rooting the device, you can install rooted apps on your device, install new Custom ROMs on your device and more.
In this article we will help you to root Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 running N7100XXDMC3 firmware, to do this you have to flash a small file on your device with the help of ODIN application, after that you can enjoy the benefit of rooting on your Galaxy Note 2 N7100. Bur before following this guide remember one thing, that once your device is rooted, warranty will get void and always take the full backup of your device with these free android backup applications. After that follow the instruction step by step to root your Galaxy Note 2 N7100 XXDMC3.

Disclaimer:- This tutorial is only for Galaxy Note 2, model number N7100. Don’t try this guide in any other Android device. Follow this guide at your own risk. won’t be responsible in case your device gets damaged in any other way during the process.
Guide to Root Galaxy Note 2 on XXDMC3 Jellybean 4.1.2 firmware
Step 1. Do check that your device have at least 80% battery power, otherwise your Galaxy Note 2 N7100 may see a hard brick if device turn off during installation.
Step 2. Enable the USB Debugging Mode on your Galaxy Note 2 N7100, Read here how to Enable USB Debugging Mode. After this download the latest Galaxy Note 2 N7100 drivers on your computer and install it.
Step 3. Download the Rooting Package CF-Auto-Root file for N7100XXDMC3 Firmware [Filename:] and Odin application on your windows PC and extract both the downloaded files on your desktop.
Step 4. Power off your phone. After that put the Galaxy Note 2 N7100 phone in Download Mode by pressing pressing and holding down the Volume Down and Home buttons while pressing the Power button. A Warning! screen will come up; press Volume Up button to enter Download Mode.
Step 5. Now you are on the Download mode, its time to connect you device with PC via USB cable. When your device will be connected to your computer, one ID:COM boxes will turn yellow after some time or you can see the “Added!!” option on the bottom left of DIN screen.
Step 6. Now from the ODIN application, Click the PDA Button, and select CF-Auto-Root-t03g-t03gxx-gtn7100.tar.md5. that you download on Step 3. In Odin window, make sure Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time checkboxes are selected.
Step 7. After that click on “Start” to start the process of rooting process. Once the process is complete you can see the PASS meesage in the OSIN screen, now you can unplug the USB cable to disconnect your device from computer.
Congrats now you device is rooted, and running the official Android 4.1.2 XXDMC3 Jelly Bean firmware.