Most of the Samsung Galaxy S4 users are claiming that they are facing some serious overheating issues on Samsung Galaxy S4. Most of the time they feel the back of the device is overheated and so warm. Some complains that it was running at 50 degrees Celsius and that was really a problem with the device. If you are a Samsung Galaxy S4 user and want to know the temperature of your device, then dial this code *#0228# from you call app and you can the see current temperature of your device. There are so many reasons of overheating the device, some says that whenever they are playing games on device the phone temperature is increased and some claims that when they are using browser to surf website or using WIfi the phone temperature goers high. Sp today we are sharing some tips which allows your your solve some overheating issues on your device.

Read Also: 5 Best Samsung Galaxy S4 Tips You Must Know
The main reason of overheating is running lots of services on the background, so avoid to use so many services at the same time. If you are not using GPS, Wifi and bluetooth, then try to disable them form your device settings. This will helps you to disable some services on your Samsung Galaxy S4 and helps you to solve some heating issues on your device.

And from the notification drop down menu of your Galaxy S4 disable all the services that you are not using on your device such as Air Gesture, Sync, Smart Stay, Smart Scroll, Air View. All the mention services are running on the background of your devices and the main reason of overheating. So if you are not using them all the time then disable all the services. With this way you can solve some heating issue on your device.

If you are still facing some serious overheating issue with your new Samsung Galaxy S4, you can try returning the device for a new unit. Go to your next Samsung Galaxy S4 Store and ask them to replace the device with the new one. Do let us know if you still get the heating issues on your Samsung Galaxy S4.