Everyone of us uses smartphone these days to make calls, check email, text messages, for web surfing etc. Smartphone are one of the most important gadget in our daily life and filled up with all our personal detail and files. To protect these important file most of us are using the lockscreen on the smartphone, so no once can easily access you data. All the latest android mobile comes with the new Lockscreen features, which we will use to lock our device. Android comes with circular lockscreen where we can swipe top, left and right for different actions. If you are bored with the default look of your lockscreen and want to change with some beautiful lockscreen, here is the list of 5 Beautiful Android OS Widgetlocker Themes which you will apply on your device easily. To apply these themes all you need free application called Widget locker, which allows you to change the default lock screen of your device.
How to Use Widgetlocker app and apply themes
To Apply widgetlcoker theme on your android, you need an android device running Android 2.1+ and install Widgetlocker application from Google play store.
Once the application is installed run the application and from there you will apply lots of preinstalled themes on your phone. If you wan to download the below mention themes on your device. Follow the below mention methods-
a) If you download the theme directly on your device then chose WidgetLocker to open the theme file and install the same on your device.
b) If you use the desktop to download these theme, then move the Theme zip folder on your phone SD card. The theme files should be placed in:
List of Beautiful Widgetlocker Themes
All the below mention themes are created by som of the best designer from deviantart.com. All of them are free to download, so select your favorite one and install it on your phone.
1. ROU-UI Holo Widgetlocker Theme
2. Halo GPLay2- WidgetLocker theme
3. HN WidgetLocker Theme
4. Desert Widgetloker
5. Simple WidgetLocker
For more themes and customization visit our Android customization section here.
Thanks for adding my “Halo GPlay2” theme! :)