Apple Offer Free Cases to iPhone 4 users

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-Apple on Friday held an invite-only press conference to discuss its latest mobile device, the iPhone 4, and more specifically, the reported reception issues users were having. Jobs said Apple wasn’t perfect, that it cared about its customers, it has collected data about the iPhone 4 reception problems, and is taking appropriate action by offering … Read more

Google Android 2.2 Froyo officially announced

Google just announced Android 2.2 “Froyo” at I/O, and the big addition is a just-in-time compiler, which brings a 2-5x speed boost to the system. Froyo (following Google’s adorable alphabetized dessert naming convention) is the latest iteration of Android, Google’s mobile operating system. Google has announced a number of very significant improvements will be coming … Read more

BlackBerry 6 Coming in Third Quarter 2010

RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis today said that the company will launch BlackBerry 6 – the new version of the OS for the company’s handsets in the third quarter. The new OS was confirmed to be arriving to both touchscreen and non-touchscreen BlackBerry smartphones and while RIM will try to make the new mobile platform available … Read more