All the android smartphones has some pre-installed wallpapers and live wallpaper to customize the look of android home screen. On the internet you can find lots of free icons packs, Wallpapers and free live wallpapers to change the look of your smartphone. But if you are looking for a way to set your own recorded video or any other video as the live wallpaper of your screen, then here is a good news for all the android phone users. Today, I found a new application in Google play store called Video Live Wallpaper. Video Live Wallpaper provides you the option to set your own video as a live wallpaper. Live wallpapers are latest feature in Android device, which allows you to add dynamic and animated wallpapers on your device such running car, rainfall and more. In simple words Live wallpaper is a moving background on your Android. Now you can use your own videos on your computer for Live Wallpaper with this Video Live Wallpaper android application.
The application is free to downland from the Google play store, you can find the download link of the app at the end of this post. To use this application all you need your recorded or saved video in MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 or divx format to set as the live wallpaper. So, lets take a look how the application works on Android smartphones.
How to Set Your Own Video as Live Wallpaper
To get started download the Video Live Wallpaper on your android device from your Google play store app. Once the application is installed on your android smartphone. Now go to your phone’s home screen after the app gets installed. Now hit the button on your Android’s homescreen and select “Wallpaper.”

Now From the Wallpaper setting page click on the “Live Wallpaper” option. Here you will now see a new entry labelled “Video Live Wallpaper”

From Video Live Wallpaper Settings page you will see all the videos which are saved on your device. If you device doesn’t contain any video files then it will ask you to find the video or select the directory of video files. To set your favorite video as your live wallpaper, click on the video file. Now your video is set at the live wallpapers on your device, go back to the home screen and you will see the new live wallpaper on your device.
Remember one thing Live wallpapers can consume a large amount of energy on your phone. So you need to think before you use a video as your live wallpaper. Looking for more Android application, click here!
Download Video Live Wallpaper App here