iTunes 9.1 now available, Include iPad Syncing

Apple has just released a new version of iTunes (9.1) bringing iPad and iBooks support. The new version also gives users the ability to rename, rearrange, or remove Genius Mixes, but we’re fairly sure you stopped caring after hearing the first point. Tunes 9.1 comes with several new features and improvements, including: – Sync with … Read more

Nokia’s Symbian^3, N8-00 12 Megapixel Phone Leaked

Today IT168 mention about the new Nokia Symbian^3, N8-00 12 Megapixel Phone, The N8-00 is expected to run Symbian ^3, and judging by the photos is a touchscreen-only device with no slide-out QWERTY keyboard as we’ve seen on other recent Nokia smartphones. It also has a front-facing video camera and proximity sensor, as well as … Read more