Today Opera announced that Apple has approved the Apple version of Opera Mini and it will be made available in the iPhone Apps Store at some point in the next 24 hours for free. Opera Mini, with more than 50 million users worldwide, enables fast mobile Web browsing by compressing data by up to 90 percent before sending content to the device, resulting in significantly improved page loading. Users of the app will notice an uptake in speed, especially on slower networks such as the 2G Edge network. Surfing the Web with the Opera Mini App on iPhone and iPod touch will also help users save money because of its data compression capabilities. This will hold especially true while the user is incurring roaming charges.
Features include the following.
- Easy to sync phone with computer
- Speed Dial gets user to a website with a single tap
- Address field with auto-completion
- Tabs allow for multitasking with several Web pages
- Bookmarks \easily managed and accessed
On a whim I just finished watching a cool movie about mr jobs and his part in pixar. The show gave me up to a brand new idea into this interesting dude and why he gets hit after hit. everyone even remotely interested in apple and/or steve jobs, netflix it…titled The Pixar Story.