Recently Google announced the Google Play edition of Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC one. Both the devices has the Stock Android OS or you can say pure android from the Google, no bloatware, no extra themes. If you want your android phone to look like a stock Android phone, then today we come with the new and easy guide which allows you to Get Stock Android Look On Any Android without rooting or custom firmware. This guide is helpful to all those android users who don’t want to root their device and don’t want to install the custom firmware to get the stock android look.
To follow this guide you have to install some free application from the Google play store to turn your android device into pure stock android. The best part of these application are that they don’t need a rooted device and available for all the android smartphones. So follow the below mention step on your device one by to get the stock look.

1. Use Nova Launcher or Any other Launcher on your device.

To get the look of default stock launcher you have install the Nova launcher on your device, you can find some of the best Free launcher here. With the help of these launchers you can change the look of you home screen, you can change the app drawer of your device and icons of your android phone with these free icons packs.

All the Company manufactured Android device has their own built-in keyboard, so your next step is to change the look of your keyboard to get the look of stock Android keyboard look. To do this all you have to download the latest Google Keyboard application from the Google play store. Once the app is installed on your device you can change your in built keyboard with the Stock Android Keyboard.
3. Install Widget Locker to Change Lock-screen

The last thing you hvae to change is the default lock-screen of your android Mobile or tablet. to do this you have to install Widget locker application from the Google play store. With the help of this application you can easily change the look of your device lock screen and change it to Android stock lock-screen form the setting of the application.
If you want to change the default calendar application on your device with the stock Google calendar app, then down load the Google Calendar application from here and install on your device. With the helps of these application and some little change on your Android device you can get the look of Stock android on your device.