Samsung Galaxy S II Has 3 Million Customers

Samsung Galaxy S II is selling like hot cakes, on a press release today, Samsung claiming that its lightning-fast Galaxy S II Android phone has already sold three million handsets around the world. In total 55 days after the release, 3 million customers have opted for the Samsung Galaxy S2. The Samsung Galaxy S II … Read more

Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab Get Android 2.3 Gingerbread

Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab, Android 2.3, Gingerbread

Samsung confirmed that they are going to update its Samsung Galaxy S handsets and Galaxy Tab to the newer Android 2.3 Gingerbread platform version starting with mid-May. The upgrade will be first rolled out in the U.K. and Nordic countries from mid-May. It is anticipated to be released in other European markets, North America, Southeast … Read more