Today Sony announced the new Sony Xperia Tipo in India for the price of Rs 9,999. Sony Xperia Tipo has Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and the phone is available in two models single sim and dual sim, the cost of the dual sim phone is around Rs 10,449. Both the new phone are powered with Android 4.0 OS.
The phone has 3.5-inch (480 x 320 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display, an 800 MHz Qualcomm Scorpion processor and Sony’s own Timescape user interface. Dimension are 13 mm thick and weighs 99.4 g, camera 3.2-megapixel auto focus camera, 3.5 mm audio jack, FM Radio with RDS, 3G, Bluetooth, WiFi b/g/n, DLNA, GPS / aGPS, 512MB RAM, 2.9 GB internal memory (up to 2.5 GB user-accessible memory), up to 32 GB expandable memory with microSD and 1500 mAh battery.
Also the Indian cellular operator Vodafone offering 500 MB of free 3G data every month for three months with these handsets. Both the new Xperia Tipo phone has lots of preinstalled app like Bollywood Hungama, Dainik Jagran and Cricbuzz. The phone is available in Classic Black, Classic White, Deep Red, Navy Blue colors.
Sony Xperia tipo and Tipo dual sim offers a simple and easy to use smartphone experience targeting first-time buyers, Sony Mobile Communications said in a statement. The phone are available in Indian market from today, you can get you phone today from you near by retailer.