GeoHot Jailbreaks the iPhone 4

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Geohot aka George Hotz, a famous iPhone hacker has accomplished an iPhone 4 jailbreak. In a blog post he wrote today, Geohot showed us a picture of a jailbroken iPhone 4 running Cydia. Geohot says that he won’t however release the jailbreak to the public and made it clear that the limera1n jailbreak we talked … Read more

Farmville for iPhone hits app Store

Farmville, iphone, Apps

Zynga has released “FarmVille” App for iPhone. FarmVille has for very long been the most anticipated app and is finally on the app store. The Zynga Farmville iPhone app is set to be released at midnight and can be downloaded for free. For those interested check the store. The App is currently live in the … Read more

Jailbreak iOS 4.0 iPhone 3GS, 3G with PwnageTool 4.01

pwnage bundles,pwnagetool,pwnageday,pwnagetool 4.0,iphone dev-team,ios 4,jailbreak ios 4,jailbreak ios 4.0,apple,iphone

Finally the new iPhone iOS 4.01 available and the dev team also released the  new PwnageTool 4.01 to jailbreak iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G. Note: Some important info you have to must read before the jailbreaking process of iPhone iOS 4.0. iPhone 3GS Summary: Currently, PwnageTool only works on previously jailbroken 3GS … Read more

Jailbreak iOS 4.0 with Redsn0w 0.9.5 B5 on Windows

redsn0w,redsn0w 0.9.5,jailbreak iphone 3g,jailbreak ipod touch 2g,jailbreak ios 4,jailbreak ios 4.0,ios 4,apple,iphone

Redsn0w 0.9.5b5 has been updated to Redsn0w 0.9.5 B5 with support for Windows to jailbreak iOS 4 GM on iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G. You can also use the optional support to enable multitasking and wallpapers on iOS 4.0 on iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G using this latest release. But note that this … Read more