Samsung Galaxy Tab will be available on Nov 10 in India for the price of RS 38,000. Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 is a 7-inch WSVGA (1024×600) display bearing tablet running Android 2.2 Froyo. This tablet also brings support for Flash Player 10.1 that serves to provide smoother web browsing experience. Internally, the Galaxy Tab carries the same 1GHz Hummingbird processor that rests in Galaxy S smartphone. As of now, we have no confirmation on how users would be able to use the 3G network capability of the Galaxy Tab.
* Network: 2.5G (GSM/GPRS/EDGE): 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz;
* 3G: 900 / 1900 / 2100 MHz
* OS: Android 2.2 (Froyo)
* Display: 7.0 inch TFT-LCD, WSVGA (1024 x 600)
* Processor: Cortex A8 1.0GHz Application Processor with PowerVR SGX540
* Camera: 3 MP Camera with Auto-Focus and LED Flash, 1.3MP front camera for Video Telephony
* Wireless Connectivity: WiFi 802.11n / Bluetooth 3.0
* Sensor: Gyroscope sensor, Geo-magnetic sensor, Accelerometer, Light sensor
* Memory: 16G / 32G internal memory with up to 32G external memory slot
* RAM: 512 MB
* Connectivity: 30 pin connector
* Size: 190.09 x 120.45 x 11.98mm
* Weight: 380g
* Battery: 4,000mAh (7 hour movie play)
* Android Market and Samsung Apps for more applications and contents
* Readers Hub, Media Hub, Music Hub, Social Hub
* Adobe Flash 10.1 player support
* Thinkfree Office, Swype, Hybrid Widget