Google play store has thousand of free Android apps and most of the android mobile users are using them. Most of these android apps has your personal information and files. Which you don’t want to share with your friends and relatives. Now you can lock all those application on your android Smartphone with the help of App Lock android free app. App Lock allows you to lock all the applications on your mobile with a password or pattern type of lock when anyone tries to open an app which is locked using App Lock.
With the help of app you can lock any of the app on your smartphone, also it allows you to lock the call logs and messages. The app is made by DoMobile Lab, one of the best app to secure all your files and data on your android device.

All you have to is install the app on your smartphone, after that it will ask you to enter numeric password for your device to lock the applications. After the password you can also set the secret question and hint for the device, which is optional to be safe in case you forget the password which you set.
Now you are ready to lock the application of device, go to the setting of the app and sele3ct the application which you want to secure with the helps of the app.

And from the System lock option you can manage the install and uninstall feature of android device. Doing so will require a passcode in order for App Lock to be uninstalled. With this feature no once can install or uninstall the app from your phone.

Now all your app are protect and locked with the App lock app. Every time when someone try to run the app, he has to enter the passcode to run those apps. APP Lock is available for free on the Android Market.